Orientation Programs

Thakur Institute of Management Studies & Research organized an Orientation Program for the students of MMS Semester-III (Batch 2022-24) on 25th September 2023. The program started with a welcome address, proposed by Director Dr. Pankaj Natu – TIMSR. During the session, students were enlightened on the Vision, Mission and Values of the Institute. Further, Dr. Rekha Singh. Deputy Director – TIMSR briefed the students on the institute’s code of conduct. The program continued with an orientation by Dr. Charu Upadhyaya (Associate Professor), Ms. Reema Shah (Assistant Professor), Ms. Richal Tuscano (Assistant Professor) and Mr. Mahendra Daima (Assistant Professor) to provide a brief on a plan of action for the upcoming semester, Semester III – Courses and Value-added programs, teaching pedagogy, KSA approach etc. Students were further briefed on the examination timelines by Dr. Yesha Mehta. The program concluded with a Question & Answer session and a vote of thanks.