Nurturing Values: A 7-Day Induction Program at TIMSR

TIMSR organized a 7-day induction program on ‘Universal Human Values’ for the students of MMS (Batch 2022-24) from November 28th to December 06th, 2022. Ms. Richal Tuscano, Assistant Professor-HR, TIMSR was the resource person for the program. According to the AICTE guidelines, the induction program was designed to educate management students on the right human values. Through this program, a deep understanding of happiness, harmony and prosperity as sources of fulfillment for human beings, family relationships, society, and for nature was stimulated among the students. The program consisted of videos and discussions followed by solving the queries of the students regarding human values. On the last day of the induction, an interaction session was also organized for the participants, wherein the students came up with their understanding of Universal Human Values. Students participated very enthusiastically, during the program and appreciated the Institutional initiative wholeheartedly.