Coffee with TEG Entrepreneurs

TIMSR’s Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Cell (TCEI) in collaboration with Thakur Education Group (TEG) Centre for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, organised an event “Coffee with TEG Entrepreneurs (Alumni Panel Discussion)” on 10th February 2024. The event was marked by a panel discussion featuring five distinguished alumni, i.e.  Mr.Ashwin Roy Choudhary, Founder and CEO, Mobcash Innovations; Mr. Siddharth Shah Founder, The Tiny Secret; Mr.Ravi Yadav, Co-founder and COO, Toroid Technologies; Mr.Ankit Tripathi, Founder, Upprcas3 Elements and Mr. Siddharth Gujrati, Founder, BuildWith. These Alumni have made significant strides in their entrepreneurial endeavours.

This event was a unique platform where successful alumni entrepreneurs were invited to share their entrepreneurial journeys, insights, and experiences with the current students.

The panellists shared their experiences, challenges, and triumphs, providing the students with a realistic and practical perspective on the entrepreneurial world. The discussion was rich with insights, as the alumni shared valuable advice on starting and managing startups, navigating challenges, and staying resilient in the face of adversity. The event was well-received, with students actively participating in the discussion, asking questions, and engaging with the panellists.

Overall, the students participated wholeheartedly as not only their entrepreneurship skills but their general management skills were also used to clear the stages of the quiz contest.

This event underscores the importance of such interactions in shaping the entrepreneurial mindset of students and equipping them with the knowledge and inspiration they need to embark on their entrepreneurial journeys.