Horizons of Hope, The Youth and Global Futures

The ORF SPARK Youth Policy Dialogue 2024 tilted “Horizons of Hope, The Youth and Global Futures” was held in partnership with the School of Development Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), at the TISS Convention Center, Mumbai on 9th January, 2024. Ms. Richal Tuscano, Assistant Professor (HR), TIMSR attended the event.

The event served as a dynamic platform for young minds to engage in discussions, and knowledge sharing on pressing global issues. The heart of the event was the series of policy dialogues focusing on diverse themes such as-

  1. Power and Purpose – Pathways for a Rising India
  2. She Leads – Building an equitable tomorrow
  3. Rising to the Climate Change Challenges
  4. Jobs for All – Future of work in the 4th Industrial Revolution
  5. Harmonizing Hubs – The India – Australia Partnership for Climate Action and Sustainable Growth
  6. Bridging Horizons – Challenges and Pathways for Social Innovation

These sessions aimed to empower the youth with the knowledge and capabilities needed to actively contribute towards policy formulation and implementation.