Part-Time Student Council’s Joyful Christmas Event at TIMSR

TIMSR’s Part-Time Student Council Cell organized a Christmas Celebration for the students of MMM & MFM Semester I, III & V (Batch 2022-25, 2021-24, 2020-23) on 24th December 2022. As the event began, good wishes were exchanged and a brief introduction of the festival was also given. Further, Santa made a surprise entry to make the movement even more enthusiastic & enriching. Further, the students played various fun games together like, Pass the ball and Pass the scarf & Unite Ropes games to make the celebration memorable and joyful. Prizes were also distributed to all the winners. The ceremony was concluded with a vote of thanks followed by the refreshments arranged for the students & staff members.

Overall, the celebration was vibrant and filled with the essence of the festivities.