
TIMSR organized “Konnect” – Alumni Meet on September 28, 2019. The meet is conducted every year to re-connect with the Alumni to further strengthen the bond and celebrate the association. The students welcomed the alumni with a melodious Japanese song and a mindfulness session. The Director, Dr Pankaj Natu proceeded by welcoming the alumni to reconnect, relive and, rejoice the memories. The event continued with the “Alumni Rockstar Award” wherein the winners were selected based on three criteria – contribution to the organization, industry, and society; significant positions held by alumnus and awards and recognitions received by them, closely evaluated by the jury members. The Alumni Rockstar 2019 had 3 categories of awards, which were won by-

    • Corporate Leader – Mr. Vikas Boni (MMS-Batch 2006-08)
    • Entrepreneur Leader – Mr. Ashwin Roy Choudhary (MMS-Batch 2006-08)
    • Public Leader – Mr. Satyendra Gupta (MMS-Batch 2008-10)

The event was further continued by the General Secretary and Joint Secretary highlighting TIMSR’s new initiatives. The main attraction for the day was a stand-up act by Mr Sumit Anand. The event concluded with sweet memories catching up over dinner.