Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
TIMSR organized a visit to the Securities Exchange Board of India (SEBI), BKC Mumbai, for students of MMS Semester- III (Batch 2021-2023) on 25th November, 2022. During the visit, Ms. Evita Edwards -Senior Assistant General Manager, and Mr. P Bhagavathi Raja, Senior Assistant General Manager, SEBI enlightened the students on the role and functions of SEBI as a regulator, various investment rules and regulations and investor’s awareness of the Stock Market, etc.
During the visit, the students also interacted with industry experts and had a real-life experience of the stock market. In the interactive session students further, asked several questions about investors’ safety and scams. In the end, Ms. Lata Poojari- Assistant Professor- TIMSR, expressed her gratitude on behalf of TIMSR management. Overall, the session was insightful and helped the students in an engaging discussion with eminent Industry professionals.