TIMSR's Vibrant Induction Program Sets Tone for MMS Batch 2021-2023

TIMSR organized a 10-day Induction program for MMS Batch 2021-2023 students from 4th to 15th January, 2022. The program started with the lighting of the lamp by the guests followed by the Daily Mindfulness session (DMS) conducted by Dr. Shuchi Gautam (Professor-TIMSR). Furthermore, a welcome address was delivered by Dr. Pankaj Natu(Director-TIMSR). During the discussion, Dr. Natu enlightened students on the Vision, Mission, Values, Program Education Objectives and Program Outcomes of the Institute.

The Induction program continued with the addressing of the Chief Guest. Mr. Somnath Gharge, (IPS) DCP Zone 12, Mumbai Police, appealed to the students to adopt change and develop an adaptive attitude. He also explained the importance of communication, empathy and listening skills. The Second Guest, Ms. Dipti Verma, Co-Founder/CEO, Pulizia Industries Pvt Ltd, explained the significance of learning and relearning new things. Col N. S. Rawat (Retd) talked about the importance of discipline and learning new skills in one’s life.

Further, the students were inducted about the Institute and various activities conducted at the Institute such as TIMSR’s Best practices, Introduction of DMS (DAILY Mindfulness Session) and HTTC (Hourly Thought Traffic Control) as DMS and HTTP help the students in obtaining a sense of physical and mental well-being which would boost their overall performance.

Alumni interaction was also organized for the students wherein the various Alumni named Mr. Sumesh Mishra, Co-founder & Head – Business Development & Strategy, APAC Financial Services Private Ltd, Ms. Meghna Patil, Vice President- Analytics and Innovation, WebXpress, ECFY Consulting, Ms. Madhumita Paul (Dy CMO – Cyril Amarchand) were invited to the induction program. The alumni discussed the industry’s aspirations from the students on their field knowledge and also mentioned the knowledge, skills, and attitudes that need to be learned and harnessed by students in their professions to have a successful career. A session on Code of Conduct was executed by Dr. Charu Upadhyaya(Asst.Prof.-TIMSR). She explained about how discipline has to be maintained while attending a class or while in campus.

Additionally, an Ice Breaking activity was conducted by the faculty team comprising of Dr. Aastha Sharma, (Asst. Prof.-TIMSR) Ms. Aarti Vyas (Asst. Prof.) and Mr. Rupesh Siyodia (Asst. Prof.). During the activity, various games were conducted for students to showcase their talent and to build a team spirit in them.

A session on internationalization was conducted by Dr.Pankaj Natu, wherein he explained the institution strategy & implementation to recognize internationally.

Further, a session on Management Case Study was conducted by Dr. Rekha Singh (Associate Prof.). Dr. Shehbaz Khan (Asst. Prof.) explained the Placement related policies and highlighted the internship pattern and placement selection criteria to the students.

Mr. Gunwant Awasthi (Asst. Prof), Ms. Richal Tuscano (Asst. Prof.), Dr. Sonal Sharma (Asso. Prof.) introduced the students to various Cells and Committee at TIMSR like Student Council, Placement Committee, Alumni Cell, Social Responsibility Cell (SRC), Research Cell, TIMSR Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (TCEI) cell, etc. through which the Institute organizes various activities to enhance the teaching-learning process.

A session on Universal Human Values was conducted by Dr. Pooja Thorat (Asso. Prof.) with an objective to disseminate the right human values among management students, as a part of the delivery of value education.

Sessions on Zoom and Google Classroom Training was conducted by Dr. Yesha Mehta, (Asst. Prof.). This training explained the know-how related to the usage of the zoom meeting application for attending the online classes and google classroom as an online teaching platform. Prof. Shraddha Luniya gave an orientation on Examination Cell followed by session on Fintech Activity conducted by Prof. Lata Poojari.

An E-Visit conducted by Yakult which explains about their manufacturing process from beginning to end. Dr. Leena Gadkari conducted a session on ISO orientation. Mr. Mukund Harne conducted Orientation on Learning Resources Centre. Prof. Shraddha Luniya conducted session on Reflective Essay. Dr. Sonal Sharma conducted a session on Resume Building. Prof. Richal Tuscano conducted session on Reason of Absenteeism (ROA).

A special session on Universal Values Live Talk by BK Shivani (National Youth Day) was attended by students and faculty members. A special Session on Competitive Exams was conducted by Mr. Santosh Rokade, IAS, Maharashtra State.

The sessions were interactive, insightful and enriching and at the same time had a fun-oriented learning followed by a Question and Answer session and a vote of thanks.