Guiding Future Managers: MMS Marketing SIP Orientation Highlights

The internship is for students to apply the concepts learned in an actual work environment and to gain on-the-job experience from a management trainee perspective. It is where students get an exposure posed to a wide variety of tasks and issues during their internship, in both field and office environment.

An Orientation session on Summer Internship Project (SIP) was organized via Online Mode (Zoom) for MMS Marketing Batch 2020-22 students on 15 May 2021 from 11.00 am to 12.30 pm by Mr. Raj Tripathi, Asst. Marketing Manager, Nilkamal Ltd.

The session started with Mr. Raj explaining the importance of concept of Summer Internship project for budding managers. He discussed the selection of the topic during the SIP. He further mentioned about Dos and Don’ts of summer internships. He further talked about the importance of life skills such as discipline, peer to peer learning, and punctuality in one’s life and how one has to follow during their internship.

Mr. Raj discussed the ideal example of doing good research & stratagems of writing a good report which would do justice to the student in terms of merit & to the organization in the form of an impetus.