TIMSR Session: 'Globalization in New Normal' with Ms. Nora Colton
A session was organized on the topic ‘Globalization in New Normal’ on 7th Sep. 2020. The Key Note Speaker for the session was Ms. Nora Colton, Pro-Vice-Provost, University College London, United Kingdom. Dr.Pankaj Natu, Director TIMSR started the session by welcoming Ms. Nora Colton, Pro-Vice-Provost, University College London, United Kingdom and introduced her to the faculty members and students.
Ms.Nora Colton began the session with describing the shift from a period of 19th century, there occurred the ‘great divergence’ when places like the UK moved ahead of the rest of the world. In the late 20th and 21st centuries, convergence spread to the Asian giants including India. Further, the challenges for securities industry which contributed to the great recession such as deregulation, increasing competition, institutional investors and innovation were highlighted.
Ms.Nora Colton also covered the main stages in real-estate bubble which consists of stealth phase ,awareness phase, mania phase and bow off phase. The key pointers further covered in the sessions were related to economic recovery in different recessions and challenges to global supply chain. The major challenges faced in the supply chain scenario consisted of availability of labor in lockdown to upload ships at port as their mobility is limited. Lastly, the post covid scenario for China was covered wherein it was said that for China, there has been significant as it’s the only country to have bounced back into growth and seems to be emerging strong. The session ended with the vote of thanks to Ms. Nora Colton by Dr.Pankaj Natu.