Cyber Shikshaa - An awareness drive for Women
TIMSR’s Women Development Cell organized a session on “Cyber Shikshaa – An awareness drive for Women” for female students (MMS Semester-I (Batch 2021-23)) and staff on 26th February 2022 via a virtual platform, Zoom.
The session was conducted by Ms Aileen Marques – An Advocate and POSH consultant. The objective of the session was to educate women on cyber threats and its vulnerability. The session was also aimed to create awareness on legal resort available to deal with cyber issues.
The speaker started with the concept of “consent” and “refusal”. Thereafter she highlighted some prevailing digital harassment and the constitutional rights available to women to tackle cyber issues. Further she also provided some details on various cyber offenses and penalties for violation of the same.
During the session, the speaker sensitized the audience that the Cyberspace is always monitored to tackle cyber crimes and one should use the cyber space appropriately. Students actively participated in the session and their queries were addressed during the Question & Answer session.