Republic Day Celebration

TIMSR’s Student Council celebrated 73rd republic day on 26th January 2022. A total of 120 students (MMS semester I & III – Batch 2020-2022 & 2021-2023) participated in the event. The celebration started at 9.00 am with a Daily Mindfulness session (DMS) and by singing the National Anthem. Mr. Gunwant Awasthi (Asst. Professor) addressed the students and reminded everyone of the responsibilities they have on their shoulders to make the country proud, even with small actions. Later on, the speech was given by Mr. Dharmesh Doshi (MMS Sem I student) on India’s republic day and the finalization of the constitution. As the event was themed after our age-old traditional Yoga Practice: Surya Namaskar, the event organizers shared a Video guidance on How to do Surya Namaskar step-by-step. After the guidance students actively participated and performed Surya Namaskar. The last part of the event consisted of a Quiz Competition on General awareness. All the participants were highly enthusiastic during the celebration.