Entrepreneurship Mela 2022

TIMSR Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation cell (TCEI) has conducted an activity, known as ‘Entrepreneurship Mela 2022’, from April 08-10, 2022. During the event, TIMSR students got involved in the selling activities & had a hands-on experience to set up two stalls at TIMSR Fest for Fashion Clothes Selling and Mojito Selling. Through this activity, budding entrepreneurs of TIMSR got a platform to showcase their talents and hone the essential entrepreneurial skills.

Contact for E-Cell 

  • Email: timsr.tcci@thakureducation.org
  • Faculty-In-Charge: Mr. Gunwant Awasthi

Empowering Women Entrepreneurship 

TIMSR Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Cell (TCEI) has conducted a mentoring session at Thakur Mall for the Students of TCEI on April 01, 2022. The theme of the session was ‘Empowering Women Entrepreneurship’ where the participants were female students who wanted to start their own business. Valuable suggestions were provided by the mentor making it a great learning session for students. Through this session, students were able to get greater insights to take their entrepreneurial dream to next level.

Orientation Session & Visit to TCEI, Thakur Mall 

TIMSR Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (TCEI) cell scheduled a visit of the students of MMS Semester- I (Batch 2021- 23) to TCEI, Thakur Mall, Kandavli on 5th March, 2022. Ms. Reema Shah & Mr. Gunwant Awasthi was the faculty in charge for this visit. During the session, Ms. Reema Shah orientated the students about TCEI on available co-working spaces and other facilities provided to them for enabling an environment to be mindful leaders and entrepreneurs. Furthermore, she also explained the various topics like definition of entrepreneurship, terms related to capital and investments, E-labs, Internal and external mentoring for the business etc. Overall, the session was full of insights and helped the students to up-skill their entrepreneurial knowledge.

Bizdom – Social Entrepreneurship Quiz Competition (2022) 

TIMSR Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation cell (TCEI) organized a Quiz Competition “Bizdom – Social Entrepreneurship Quiz Competition” on 26th February 2022 from 2:00 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. for the students of MMS- Sem- I (Batch 2021-2023) at the Study Skill Center in TIMSR. The quiz competition was aimed to inculcate knowledge about the recent business environment and current trends in business. The questions asked during the competition focused more on critical thinking and the overall business knowledge. On the whole, the competition helped the students to improve their skills such as time management, team work, and strategic learning.

Entrepreneurship Lesson Through Movie – GURU 

TIMSR Centre for Entrepreneurship & Innovation (TCEI) organized an event titled “Entrepreneurship Lesson Through Movie – GURU” for the students of MMS, Sem-I, Batch 2021-23 on 15th January 2022. The motive of showcasing the movie was to make the students learn to overcome the hardships of life by hard work and patience. Through the movie, it was also taught that how a man from a small town started his entrepreneurial journey and with vision, dedication and commitment to get the desired results in life. Overall, the session greatly influenced the attitude of the students towards their entrepreneurial journey.

Panel Discussion on Challenges & Opportunities of SMEs 

TIMSR Centre for Entrepreneurship & Innovation conducted a Panel discussion on “Challenges & Opportunities of SMEs” on 8th December 2021. The panelists were the students of MMS semester-III (Batch 2020-22). During the discussion, the students talked about the current scenario of SMEs which they came across during the ‘Business Week’ after interviewing the owners and managers of the companies. Panelists also discussed various sectors of SMEs, opportunities and threats, requirements and support by the Government and other regulatory bodies.

Market Research on SMEs 

TIMSR Centre for Entrepreneurship & Innovation organized a “Market Research Survey on SMEs” from 2nd December to 7th December 2021. The survey was conducted by the students of MMS semester III (Batch 2020-22). During this survey, the students visited the SMEs and interviewed the Owners and Managers of the companies. Through the activity, the students made themselves aware of the situation of SMEs before and after the pandemic.

Mentoring Session from Alum 

TIMSR Centre for Entrepreneurship & Innovation organized a “Mentoring Session from Alum” at Thakur Mall, Kandivali on 28th October 2021. Mr. Ashwin Roy Choudhary conducted the session for the students of MMS-III semester. During the session, he advised the students on their business ideas and discussed the various possibilities which can be explored as startups. Overall, the session was very informative and inculcated an attitude of growth, risk taking and entrepreneurial mindset among the students.

Internal Faculty Mentoring 

TIMSR Centre for Entrepreneurship & Innovation organized an “Internal Faculty Mentoring” session at Thakur Mall, Kandivali. Mrs. Reema Shah, Asst. Professor, TIMSR, conducted the session on 20th September, 2021, for the students of MMS-II semester. During the session, she provided her insights on how to take the entrepreneurial dream to the next level. Students also discussed the difficulties faced while starting their businesses. Overall, the session was very informative for the students who are at the verge of starting their startups.

Workshop on Entrepreneurship

TIMSR center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation Cell (TCEI) organized a workshop on ‘Entrepreneurship’ for the students of MMS Semester-II (Batch 2020-22) on July 27, 2021 via an online platform, Zoom. The guest speaker of the event was Mr. Siddharth Shah, Co-Founder, Essenzaa Nutrition Pvt Ltd. Mr. Shah explained the hurdles faced by him during his entrepreneurial journey and the measures he took to overcome the same. He also threw light upon the necessity of Innovation to run any business. He further added the benefits of coping up with the new technological advancements to get a good market share. He also stated the significance of Research & Development in any industry, which is critical for the growth of a business. Overall, the session was very informative and widened the horizon of knowledge of the students, in the area of Entrepreneurship.