Outcome Based Education: Recent Developments in Quality Assurance

TIMSR’s Research Cell organized a workshop on “Outcome Based Education: Recent Developments in Quality Assurance” as a part of Continuing Management Education (CME) series on August 24, 2023. The session was conducted by Dr. Vishal Sandanshive, Associate Professor- TIMSR. Dr. Sandanshive started the discussion by explaining the recent developments in the OBE approach as per the new NBA manual. He also explained the mapping and justification of CO-PO, calculation of CO-PO attainment and improvement in attainment. Further, the faculty members were made familiarized with CO-PO mapping and attainment in order to enhance the quality of outcome-based education. The session continued with a discussion on levels of Bloom’s Taxonomy and the ways to map questions with different levels on that pyramid, in order to improve the learning outcome of the students. During the session, the queries were also addressed and the session ended with a vote of thanks.