Samvedna 2021 - 2022
Free Health Check-up
TIMSR SRC Samvedna Cell organized a free medical health check-up in collaboration with Thyrocare for teaching staff, non-teaching staff, support staff, alumni & sister concern institutes on May 07, 2022 from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in the TIMSR Campus. Free health check-ups included Blood pressure, Oxygen Saturation, Heart rate, Random Blood Sugar, Body Mass Index, Body Fat %, Muscle Mass, Bone Mass, Metabolic Age and Body Water. The objective of this event was to provide free medical advice and refer them for specialized treatment, if required. A total of 99 members participated in the health check-up camp.
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Poster Making Competition – World Water Day
SRC-Samvedna cell of Thakur Institute of Management Studies and Research organized a poster making competition on the occasion of world water day for the students of MMS, Semester- I (Batch 2021-2023) on 22nd March, 2022. The theme of the competition was “Groundwater: the Invisible Resource”. Through the activity, the students were able to express their views on the said topic through art and creativity. A total of 34 participants participated in the competition, after which 03 winners and 02 consolation prize winners were announced. The students participated enthusiastically in the competition.
Blood Donation Campaign
A total of 09 students (MMS semester I – Batch 2021-2023) volunteered for the campaign as organizers and addressed the students and staff at the camp to bring awareness about the shortage of blood and the importance of donating blood on Feb 18, 2022. A total of 06 students donated their blood during the camp. All the participants were highly enthusiastic during the activity and seemed so eager to make a big difference with their little efforts.
Knowledge Enhancement Activity in Collaboration with Kotak Education Foundation
TIMSR’s SRC Samvedna Cell participated in “Umang”, an Initiative organized by Kotak Education Foundation. A total of 18 volunteers were selected from MMS (Batch 2020-2022), after appearing at two levels of the selection procedure. The event was conducted from September 2021 to December 2021. During the particular activity, volunteers had to prepare modules and conduct sessions for underprivileged and semi-vernacular medium students of different schools. The following tasks were performed by our students during the activity.
- Preparation of modules of various topics such as Sports, Continents and Oceans, Grammar, Monuments of India and Balanced Diet, in a PPT format.
- Preparation of a quiz for the assessment of the students, on all the topics.
- Preparation of the scripts and recordings of the voice podcast of the school students.
Through the activity, TIMSR students attained a great exposure to work with an NGO, assisting them in CSR activities and helped them in developing a sense of empathy and responsibility towards society.
Tree Plantation
SRC -Samvedhna cell of Thakur Institute of Management Studies and Research conducted a “Tree plantation Activity” on 21st January 2022, in collaboration with the NSS unit of Thakur College of science and commerce in the neighboring community. A total of six volunteers (MMS semester I – Batch 2021-2023) participated in the event. Tree plantation was done as per Miyawaki technique over a 2500 sq. ft. area and about 800 saplings of 46 species of plants were planted like Karanj, Vad, Pipal, Umbar, Kadamba, Neem, Imli, etc. The students planted saplings, fenced them, and watered the plants. All participants were highly enthusiastic during the activity to make a big difference with their little efforts.
Live Talk on Universal Values
On the occasion of ‘National Youth Day’, TIMSR’s SRC Cell invited MMS students (Batch 2020-2022 & 2021-23) for a live talk on ‘Universal Values’, via a virtual platform zoom on January 12, 2022, by BK Shivani, a Spiritual leader and Teacher at Brahma Kumaris, a Spiritual Organization. The points highlighted in the session were as follows:
- Follow 10 minutes of meditation in the morning and 10 minutes before sleeping – it helps us to remain calm, keep negative thoughts at bay and have control over our mind.
- Draw a circle of ‘Maryada’ around us, i.e. behaving with dignity will help us to remain calm and in control.
- Feed the mind with positive points of information so as to strengthen the mind, control our thoughts, emotions and protect our body accordingly.
- As our Situations (Pressure) are not in our control & our Inner strength (Resilience) is completely under our control, so practice Spirituality as it works best to be Resilient.
- Keep ourselves free from anger. i.e. ‘No-Anger Zone’, as it affects our emotional health and also exhausts our energy.
- Have an emotional diet for emotional health, i.e. be careful on what content/information we are consuming throughout the day.
- Practice Positive affirmations.
- Eat home-cooked food. While eating avoid screen time, arguments/talking and always pray before eating.
Overall, the session was highly informative and 308 students participated actively during the session.
Poster Competition
TIMSR Social Responsibility Cell ‘Samvedna’ and Women Development Cell organized a poster making competition on ‘Women Empowerment and Gender Equality’ for MMS, Sem- III Students (Batch 2020-2022) to enable them to express their views on the said topic through art and creativity. A total of six participants participated and all the posters were submitted on 26th October 2021, via online mode in pdf format, after which winners were announced. The students participated enthusiastically in the competition.
Mask Making and Distribution
On 21st August 2021, SRC -Samvedhna cell of Thakur Institute of Management Studies and Research conducted an activity on “Mask Making and Distribution” to provide home-stitched masks to the street vendors, watchmen of various societies, and other needy people in the neighboring community. Volunteers distributed more than 50 masks successfully. The activity was conducted in collaboration with the NSS unit of Thakur College of Engineering and Technology. A total of ten volunteers (MMS semester II – Batch 2020-2022) participated in the activity, enthusiastically.
E-awareness session on Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality
TIMSR SRC ‘Samvedhna cell’ conducted an event on 14th August 2021, on the topic “E-Awareness Session on Women’s Empowerment and Gender Equality” for the students of MMS Semester II (batch 2020-22) with the help of Role Play
The event started with our Morning Prayer and Daily Mindfulness Session. Prof. Richal Tuscano – Asst. Professor TIMSR also spoke a few words on Gender equality and women’s empowerment. After this, The SRC members gave an overview on the topic of the event i.e., Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment, and its purpose.
The role play contained the imaginary story of a girl, who struggles for her Right to Education and takes help from an NGO, turns into a strong personality, who later would go on to help other suppressed women in her hostel and at her workplace. The purpose of role-playing was to make students more sensitive on the issue of Gender ‘Equality and Women’s Empowerment and to understand the struggles of women to get equality. The event was successfully executed with a conclusion followed by a PPT presentation on the Rights of Women.
Human Rights beyond activism
TIMSR SRC ‘’Samvedna Cell” organized a guest session on “Human Rights – Beyond Activism” for MMS, Semester II (Batch 2020-2022) on 24th July 2021. Guest speaker Dr. Medha Saykhedkar, Head of Academics at NBT Law College enlightened the students on the following points:
- Role of activists and common people in implementing Human Rights
- Articles on Human Rights
- How to act against violations
- How to protect human rights
The main reason to organize this event was to make our young budding future leaders understand the importance of Human Rights and make them conscious about how to protect Human Rights of self and others especially at work place. Also, this event intended to make our students more responsible of their duties towards society. Overall the session was highly informative and knowledgeable. The students participated enthusiastically.
E-Waste Management
TIMSR SRC ‘Samvedna Cell’ organized an awareness session on “E-Waste Management”, on the occasion of Mahatma Gandhi Jayanti for the students of MMS, II semester. During the session, SRC members gave an overview on the sources of e-waste, authorized recycling of plants, CSC centers and the significance of e-waste management. Further, SRC members also circulated a video on ‘E-waste’ through social media platforms i.e. facebook, LinkedIn and WhatsApp, to create awareness and inform the community. The students also participated enthusiastically, during the event. Overall, the session was highly enlightening and insightful.