Strategic partnerships and Alliances with leading foreign Universities/Institutions in order to provide world class education and global career opportunities for the students of TIMSR in required areas.

The objectives are:

  • Global Immersion Program.
  • Student Exchange.
  • Faculty Exchange.
  • Learning Resource Exchange.
  • Joint Research Initiatives.

Why International Study programs are a must in the 21st century than ever before?

At TIMSR, we look at internationalization as no more a luxury, however a NECESSITY. We all know that we are living in a global world with unprecedented opportunities and challenges for which we need a global perspective for us to employ (relevant) strategies and tools to deal with.

We are of firm belief, Businesses that will succeed in the Present & Future will be the ones led by leaders having a clarity in perception arising from a global perspective beyond any race, culture, identity or country and have a strong understanding of a participatory universe in which all operate in. We are committed to develop students who are more of a global citizenry equipped with an ability to think global in all the disciplines they pursue so they can be most effective when they leave TIMSR.

This requires us to take a deep look at our curriculum across all areas of study to ensure they reflect the scope of international innovation and knowledge. Here, at TIMSR, we have integrated international exchange into our curriculum in a strategic manner. Our collaborations embraces the idea that great masterpieces cannot be produced in a vacuum. They are built upon interactions – the sharing of ideas, philosophies, science, humanities, and the arts. Real Value Creation in the 21st century shall be fundamentally collaborative. Hence, it is paramount to design learning experiences that are engaging, immersive and relevant to a fast paced technologically- advanced world.

International experiences are not just beneficial for career development or for adding something to a resume at TIMSR, we strong believe that they CHANGE YOU.

The overall objectives are:

  • Learning in a different culture and place allows us to see our own challenges in sharp contrast, and with more clarity.
  •  Most individuals have specific patterns of developing interpersonal relationships that are so engrained within them, that they are not even aware of their existence. Global exposure allows students to come to the realization that their relationship patterns do not always work within other cultures.
  • Simply being immersed within another culture and bias for an extended period of time allows our students to more clearly see their own.
  • It provides a global lens and dynamic exposure to new ideas about international business.

The recent worldwide recession did heighten the need for global perspectives, however that’s not where the value of a global education ends. Other social and economic problems demand broadly based solutions. What businesses are facing today are all global issues, so solutions are not going to come locally; they’re going to come from some form of global thinking. It is an established truth now that businesses are running globally.

The world needs to be a new learning ground or a laboratory for gaining new insights.

What we cannot do is sit in a corner and say,

‘I’m going to build a wall and what happens elsewhere is not going to affect me.’

Global Immersion Programs is where the opportunities & insights lie for us to discover.

International Partners

SRC Members For MMS (Academic Year 2023-2024) Download SVG Image
Sr. No. Name of the Student Roll No. Designation
1 Mr. Sanil Shingate M2325043 Committee Member
2 Mr. Abhishek Shukla M2325044 Committee Member
3 Mr. Aryan Singh M2325046 Committee Member
4 Ms. Aachal Tiwari M2325049 Committee Member
5 Ms. Aditi Tiwari M2325050 Committee Member
6 Mr. Amit Darge M2325067 Committee Member
7 Ms. Megha Gadhiya M2325073 Committee Member
8 Ms. Pratiksha Magare M2325135 Committee Member
9 Ms. Sapna Yadav M2325172 Committee Member
10 Ms. Priya Bansal M2325176 Committee Member
11 Ms. Shweta Jadhav M2325187 Committee Member
12 Ms. Sannidhi Pateriya M2325205 Committee Member
13 Ms. Shalini Singh M2325216 Committee Member
Student Council Members for MMS (Academic Year 2023-2024) Download SVG Image
Sr. No. Name of the Students Roll No. Designation
1 Mr. Shubham Singh M2325157 General Secretary
2 Ms. Abhilasha Mallah M2325136 Joint Secretary
3 Ms. Surbhi Mishra M2325201 Joint Secretary
4 Ms. Sakshi Gupta M2325009 Joint Secretary
5 Mr. Shrish Vichare M2325223 Joint Secretary
6 Mr. Ajay Tiwari M2325221 Committee Member
7 Mr. Raj Tiwari M2325167 Committee Member
8 Ms. Hemi Singh M2325103 Committee Member
9 Ms. Ritilka Saxena M2325040 Committee Member
10 Ms. Aishwarya Vishwanathan M2325163 Committee Member
11 Ms. Shweta Railapurkar M2325149 Committee Member
12 Mr. Shiven Pandey M2325203 Committee Member
13 Ms. Isha Waingankar M2325111 Committee Member
14 Ms. Siddhi Karwa M2325021 Committee Member
15 Mr. Aryan Singh M2325046 Committee Member
16 Mr. Sanil Shingate M2325043 Committee Member
17 Ms. Surbhi Singh M2325217 Committee Member
TCEI Members for MMS (Academic Year 2023-2024) Download SVG Image
Sr. No. Name Roll No. Designation
1 Mr. Gaurang Kadu M2325129 Committee Member
2 Mr. Ritesh Sawant M2325232 Committee Member
3 Mr. Farhan Shekh Sadik M2325211 Committee Member
4 Mr. Chinmay Patankar M2325204 Committee Member
5 Ms. Meenal Dubey M2325181 Committee Member
6 Mr. Maitrey Gajbhiye M2325182 Committee Member
7 Ms. Maithilee Kadam M2325020 Committee Member
8 Mr. Sushant Tare M2325220 Committee Member
9 Mr. Pratiksha Singh M2325104 Committee Member
10 Mr. Dhir Solanki M2325105 Committee Member
11 Mr. Somesh Rathi M2325117 Committee Member
12 Mr. Shiven Pandey M2325203 Committee Member
13 Mr. Shubham Marghade M2325142 Committee Member
14 Mr. Abhaykumar Agarwal M2325116 Committee Member
15 Mr. Jatin Goyal M2325184 Committee Member
16 Mr. Sohail Khan M2325130 Committee Member
17 Ms. Sakshi Patil M2325146 Committee Member